To use the MNB API you will require an API key. API keys are limited while this API is under development. Please contact support to enquire about the possibility of receiving an API key.
The MNB API supplies data useful for the analysis of property. The fundamental base unit of the API is the polygon. Information about more complex objects like titles are essentially consolidated polygon responses.
Returns a GeoJSON object of type
"Feature" for the requested :polygon_id
type string
One of Polygon
or MultiPolygon
. A single "polygon" may be returned as a "multipolygon".
coordinates array
An array of "linear ring" coordinate arrays. For polygons with multiple rings, the first ring in the array is the outer ring of the polygon. Any polygons within the outer array represent interior rings or holes.
pid string
The id of the polygon in the National Polygon dataset.
title string
The title number the polygon belongs to.
updated_at string date: YYYY-MM-DD
The date of the last change to the associated title.
area float
The approximate area of the polygon in square meters.
medatada object
An object for each polygon in the title with the associated "nest" information. Each polygon includes:
aonb (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty)
relation string
The relationship of the polygon to its nearest Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Can be one of fully_in
, partially_in
or out
distance integer
Distance to the polygon's nearest AONB in meters. If the polygon's aonb_relation
is one of fully_in
or partially_in
, this number will be 0.
ids integer array
An array of integers representing the polygon's nearest AONB(s). Note: there will only be multiple values here if the polygon intersects more than one AONB i.e. where the polygon's aonb_relation
is partially_in
. In the case where the polygon's aonb_relation
is fully_in
this will be a single value representing the AONB containing the polygon. In the case where the polygon's aonb_relation
to it's nearest AONB is out
, this array will include only the ID of the single AONB nearest to the polygon as measured from closest point of the polygon to closest point of the AONB.
bua (Built-Up Area)
relation string
The relationship of the polygon to its nearest Built-Up Area (BUA). Can be one of fully_in
, partially_in
or out
distance integer
Distance to the polygon's nearest BUA in meters. If the polygon's bua_relation
is one of fully_in
or partially_in
, this number will be 0.
ids strings array
An array of strings representing the polygon's nearest BUA(s). Note: there will only be multiple values here if the polygon intersects more than one BUA i.e. where the polygon's bua_relation
is partially_in
. In the case where the polygon's bua_relation
is fully_in
this will be a single value representing the BUA containing the polygon. In the case where the polygon's bua_relation
to it's nearest BUA is out
, this array will include only the ID of the single BUA nearest to the polygon as measured from closest point of the polygon to closest point of the BUA.
lad (Local Authority District)
relation string
The relationship of the polygon to its nearest Local Authority District (LAD). Can be one of fully_in
, partially_in
or out
distance integer
Distance to the polygon's nearest LAD in meters. If the polygon's lad_relation
is one of fully_in
or partially_in
, this number will be 0.
ids string array
An array of strings representing the polygon's nearest LAD(s). Note: there will only be multiple values here if the polygon intersects more than one LAD i.e. where the polygon's lad_relation
is partially_in
. In the case where the polygon's lad_relation
is fully_in
this will be a single value representing the LAD containing the polygon. In the case where the polygon's lad_relation
to it's nearest LAD is out
, this array will include only the ID of the single LAD nearest to the polygon as measured from closest point of the polygon to closest point of the LAD.
lsoa (Lower Layer Super Output Areas)
relation string
The relationship of the polygon to its nearest Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA). Can be one of fully_in
, partially_in
or out
distance integer
Distance to the polygon's nearest LSOA in meters. If the polygon's lsoa_relation
is one of fully_in
or partially_in
, this number will be 0.
ids string array
An array of integers representing the polygon's nearest LSOA(s). Note: there will only be multiple values here if the polygon intersects more than one LSOA i.e. where the polygon's lsoa_relation
is partially_in
. In the case where the polygon's lsoa_relation
is fully_in
this will be a single value representing the LSOA containing the polygon. In the case where the polygon's lsoa_relation
to it's nearest LSOA is out
, this array will include only the ID of the single LSOA nearest to the polygon as measured from closest point of the polygon to closest point of the LSOA.
{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ -0.6381886515554773, 51.76577998699614 ], [ -0.6382672953992278, 51.765965852687174 ], [ -0.6381886515554773, 51.76577998699614 ] ] ] ] }, "properties": { "pid": 32291517, "title": "HD94608", "updated_at": "2007-05-31", "area": "1170.11", "metadata": { "aonb": { "relation": "fully_in", "distance": 0, "ids": [ 45 ] }, "bua": { "relation": "out", "distance": 656, "ids": [ "E34001690" ] }, "lad": { "relation": "fully_in", "distance": 0, "ids": [ "E07000096" ] }, "lsoa": { "relation": "fully_in", "distance": 0, "ids": [ "E01023422" ] } } } }
Vector tiles contain the geometries and attributes of the requested dataset at various zoom levels. They are encoded as .pbf
(Protocolbuffer Binary Format) files. Here is more information about vector tiles.
To work with data in tile format, substitute :dataset
and :version
with the appropriate identifier of the desired dataset and version. Each dataset is available at the specified levels of zoom. The zoom level should be interpolated into the request url as indicated by {z}
. In addtion to this, {x}
and {y}
will also need values. A client library such as Mapbox-GL or Maplibre will handle this for you.
Dataset | :dataset |
Layers | :version |
Zoom Levels | Source | Licence |
Acient Woodland | ancient_woodland | ancient_woodland: Polygon | 2022-04-01 | 7 - 14 | Natural England, Natural Resources Wales | Open Government Licence v3, Open Government Licence v2 |
Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty | aonb | aonb: Polygon | 2022-02-25 | 7 - 14 | Natural England | Open Government Licence v3 |
Built-Up Areas | bua | bua: Polygon | 2017-06-23 | 0 - 10 | Office for National Statistics | Open Government Licence v3 |
Certificates of Immunity | certificates_of_immunity | certificates_of_immunity: Polygon | 2022-04-08 | 0 - 12 | Historic England | Open Government Licence v3 |
Common Land | common_land | common_land: Polygon | 2022-02-25 | 7 - 14 | Natural England, Natural Resources Wales | Open Government Licence v3, Open Government Licence v2 |
Crossrail | crossrail | crossrail_route: MultiLine, crossrail_station: Point |
2020-11-09 | 7 - 14 | Crossrail GIS | Open Government Licence v3 |
Flood Risk - Rivers and Sea | flood_risk_rivers_and_sea | very_low: Polygon, low: Polygon, medium: Polygon, high: Polygon |
2021-11-02 2022-03-28 |
8 - 14 7 - 14 |
Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales | Open Government Licence v3, Open Government Licence v2 |
Flood Risk - Surface Water | flood_risk_surface_water | low: Polygon, medium: Polygon, high: Polygon |
2021-06-09 2022-10-07 |
12 - 14 | Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales | Open Government Licence v3, Open Government Licence v2 |
Flood Zones | flood_zones | flood_z2: Polygon, flood_z3: Polygon |
2020-09-01 2021-05-01 |
7 - 14 | Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales | Open Government Licence v3, Open Government Licence v2 |
Green Belt | greenbelt | greenbelt: Polygon | 2021-11-25 | 7 - 14 | Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government | Creative Commons Attribution License |
Historic Landfill | historic_landfill | historic_landfill: Polygon | 2021-08-09 2022-04-07 |
0 - 20 7 - 14 |
Environment Agency | Environment Agency Conditional Licence |
Listed Buildings | listed_buildings | listed_buildings: Point | 2022-03-21 | 0 - 15 | Historic England, Cadw | Open Government Licence v3, Open Government Licence v2 |
National Grid | national_grid | utils_elec_national_grid_cables: MultiLine, utils_elec_national_grid_overhead_lines: MultiLine, utils_elec_national_grid_substations: Polygon, utils_elec_national_grid_towers: Point |
2021-10-12 | 0 - 12 | National Grid UK | © National Grid UK |
National Parks | national_parks | national_parks: Polygon | 2020-01-10 | 7 - 14 | Natural England, Natural Resources Wales | Open Government Licence v3, Open Government Licence v2 |
Nature Reserves | nature_reserves | local_nature_reserves: Polygon, national_nature_reserves: Polygon |
2022-03-23 | 0 - 14 | Natural England, Natural Resources Wales | Open Government Licence v3, Open Government Licence v2 |
Overground Rail | overground_rail | railway_stations: Point, railway_tracks: MultiLine |
2021-11-30 | 7 - 14 | Ordnance Survey | Open Government Licence v3 |
Radon | radon | radon: Polygon | 2020-10-01 | 0 - 12 | Natural England, Natural Resources Wales | Open Government Licence v3, Open Government Licence v2 |
Ramsar | ramsar | ramsar: Polygon | 2021-07-01 | 0 - 13 | Natural England, Natural Resources Wales | Open Government Licence v3, Open Government Licence v2 |
Rail Noise (LDEN) | rail_noise_lden | rail_noise: Polygon | 2020-07-01 | 0 - 14 | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Welsh Government | Open Government Licence v3, Open Government Licence v2 |
Registerd Parks and Gardens | parks_and_gardens | parks_and_gardens: Polygon, wales_significant_views: MultiLine |
2022-11-08 | 7 - 14 | Historic England, Cadw | Open Government Licence v3 |
Road Noise (LDEN) | road_noise_lden | road_noise: Polygon | 2020-03-01 2020-03-19 |
0 - 15 7 - 14 |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Welsh Government | Open Government Licence v3, Open Government Licence v2 |
Scheduled Monuments | scheduled_monuments | scheduled_monuments: Polygon | 2022-03-10 | 7 - 14 | Historic England, Cadw | Open Government Licence v3, Open Government Licence v2 |
Sites of Special Scientific Interest | sssi | sssi: Polygon | 2022-03-23 | 0 - 14 | Natural England, Natural Resources Wales | Open Government Licence v3, Open Government Licence v2 |
Road Traffic Collisions | traffic_accidents | traffic_accidents: Point | 2020-01-01 | 7 - 14 | Department for Transport | Open Government Licence v3 |
World Heritage Sites | world_heritage_sites | world_heritage_sites: Polygon | 2021-08-20 | 0 - 13 | Historic England, Cadw | Open Government Licence v3 |
Western Power - Overground Utilities | wpd_overground | wpd_overhead_lines: MultiLine, wpd_poles: Point, wpd_towers: Point |
2021-10-12 | 7 - 14 | Western Power Distribution | WPD Open Data Licence |
Western Power - Transformers | wpd_transformers | wpd_ground_mounted_transformers: Point, wpd_pole_mounted_transformers: Point |
2021-10-12 | 7 - 14 | Western Power Distribution | WPD Open Data Licence |
Western Power - Underground Utilities | wpd_underground | wpd_underground: MultiLine | 2021-10-12 | 7 - 14 | Western Power Distribution | WPD Open Data Licence |
Title Numbers
Returns a GeoJSON object of type
"Feature" for the requested :title_number
. Requesting a title number by ID returns the aggregated details of the polygons belonging to that title.
type string
One of Polygon
or MultiPolygon
. A single "polygon" may be returned as a "multipolygon".
coordinates array
An array of "linear ring" coordinate arrays. For polygons with multiple rings, the first ring in the array is the outer ring of the polygon. Any polygons within the outer array represent interior rings or holes.
title string
The unique HM Land Registry title number which identifies a registered title to land
local_authorities string array
An array of integers representing the local authority(ies) of the title. Note: there can be multiple values here if the title belongs to more than one local authority.
area float
The sum of the area of the title's containing polygons. This is an approximate value in square meters.
tenure string
The class of title describing the confidence the Registrar has in the ownership of the title at the point of registration. e.g. "AF" represents "absolute freehold title". Please see more information in Table 4
in the Title Descriptor Dataset.
polygon_ids integer array
An array of integers representing the polygons in the title.
metadata object
An object for each title with the associated "nest" information. Each title includes:
aonb (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty)
relation string
The relationship of the title to its nearest Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Can be one of fully_in
, partially_in
or out
distance integer
Distance to the title's nearest AONB in meters. If the title's aonb_relation
is one of fully_in
or partially_in
, this number will be 0.
ids integer array
An array of integers representing the title's nearest AONB(s). Note: there will only be multiple values here if the title intersects more than one AONB i.e. where the title's aonb_relation
is partially_in
. In the case where the title's aonb_relation
is fully_in
this will be a single value representing the AONB containing the title. In the case where the title's aonb_relation
to it's nearest AONB is out
, this array will include only the ID of the single AONB nearest to the title as measured from closest point of the title to closest point of the AONB.
bua (Built-Up Area)
relation string
The relationship of the title to its nearest Built-Up Area (BUA). Can be one of fully_in
, partially_in
or out
distance integer
Distance to the title's nearest BUA in meters. If the title's bua_relation
is one of fully_in
or partially_in
, this number will be 0.
ids strings array
An array of strings representing the title's nearest BUA(s). Note: there will only be multiple values here if the title intersects more than one BUA i.e. where the title's bua_relation
is partially_in
. In the case where the title's bua_relation
is fully_in
this will be a single value representing the BUA containing the title. In the case where the title's bua_relation
to it's nearest BUA is out
, this array will include only the ID of the single BUA nearest to the title as measured from closest point of the title to closest point of the BUA.
lad (Local Authority District)
relation string
The relationship of the title to its nearest Local Authority District (LAD). Can be one of fully_in
, partially_in
or out
distance integer
Distance to the title's nearest LAD in meters. If the title's lad_relation
is one of fully_in
or partially_in
, this number will be 0.
ids string array
An array of strings representing the title's nearest LAD(s). Note: there will only be multiple values here if the title intersects more than one LAD i.e. where the title's lad_relation
is partially_in
. In the case where the title's lad_relation
is fully_in
this will be a single value representing the LAD containing the title. In the case where the title's lad_relation
to it's nearest LAD is out
, this array will include only the ID of the single LAD nearest to the title as measured from closest point of the title to closest point of the LAD.
lsoa (Lower Layer Super Output Areas)
relation string
The relationship of the title to its nearest Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOA). Can be one of fully_in
, partially_in
or out
distance integer
Distance to the title's nearest LSOA in meters. If the title's lsoa_relation
is one of fully_in
or partially_in
, this number will be 0.
{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ 1.5058880140325344, 52.350210081650445 ], [ 1.5060219504317356, 52.35017462395131 ], [ 1.5058880140325344, 52.350210081650445 ] ] ], [ [ [ 1.5064202854106747, 52.34934933200016 ], [ 1.5063441018705077, 52.34937030296361 ], [ 1.5064202854106747, 52.34934933200016 ] ] ] ] }, "properties": { "title": "SK260509", "local_authorities": [ "East Suffolk" ], "area": "2699.63", "tenure": "AF", "polygon_ids": [ 40511603, 40511404, 40511001, 40512533, 40512266, 40512100 ], "metadata": { "aonb": { "relation": "out", "distance": 3871, "ids": [ 71 ] }, "bua": { "relation": "fully_in", "distance": 0, "ids": [ "E34003514" ] }, "lad": { "relation": "fully_in", "distance": 0, "ids": [ "E07000244" ] }, "lsoa": { "relation": "fully_in", "distance": 0, "ids": [ "E01030243" ] } } } }
Titles Search
Creates a buffer of the requested radius around the requested point and returns a GeoJSON "FeatureCollection" containing the title and geometry for all titles that intersect that buffer.
To get the full information for a specific title, call the /titles/:title_number
endpoint with the chosen title number.
Request Parameters
point string
The center point from which to perform the search. This should be a single string comprising the longitude and latitude
of the point, e.g. "-1.076503,50.78466"
radius integer
The size of the buffer, in meters, to create around the point
. Results will be returned for any titles that intersect this buffer.
crs object
An object specifying the coordinate reference system for the associated FeatureCollection
. This is always of type
"Feature" with properties
containing name
features array
A collection of "Features" each of type
"Feature" and containing a geometry
object of type
"Polygon" or "MultiPolygon" with the associated coordinates
as well as a properties
object with the title
that the polygon belongs to.
{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "crs": { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "name": "EPSG:4326" } }, "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.076611936, 50.784361857 ], [ -1.076578146, 50.784456914 ], [ -1.076611936, 50.784361857 ] ] ] }, "properties": { "title": "HP280839" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -1.076676312, 50.784370461 ], [ -1.076652202, 50.784442213 ], [ -1.076676312, 50.784370461 ] ] ] }, "properties": { "title": "HP529520" } } ] }